This Back-to-School Shopping Spree is OurSignature Service Project serving children 5-18 years. Based on school recommendations, children in need go shopping for school clothes and supplies with Kiwanis members and volunteers. With only a little bit of guidance, the kids get to make their own choices.
In 2021 Kiwanis Club of Sonora is teaming up the SCOUTS BSA by chartering the first female unit in Tuolumne County. We are supporting their organization and the girls will be participating in our fund raisers and projects. If your daughters or granddaughters, 11-17 years of age, are interested in joining this unit of Scouts BSA, go here (LINK to contacts) and we’ll help you connect.
Kiwanis Sonora Service Committees
KIWANIS SONORA’S SUCCESS is the result of all members’ efforts via our Service Committees. We actively support children and families in need, special needs adults, and the community at large. You can choose to serve according to your interests on one or more committees or special projects.
Members enjoy getting together and meeting the needs of children.
KIWANIS SONORA believes reading is fundamental to a child’s success in life. Several times a year we bring books to kids enrolled in Head Start programs county-wide. We read to them in class and send their book with their name in it home for parents to do the same. Infants get books, too!
Young Children, Priority One also supports the Children’s Library, provides Adventist Maternity with preemie car seats, Foster Children Arts & Writing, and participates in the annual ICES Child Fair (Infant Child Enrichment Services).
YOUTH SERVICES (Kindergarten-High School)
Youth from grammar through high school need Kiwanis to sponsor activities important to them and to provide community volunteer role-modeling.
We support Tuolumne County bike safety training.
The Youth Services Committee oversees 4-H Achievement Projects, The Turkey Trot, ICES Children’s Fair, Duende Drama & Literature, the Children’s Christmas Party, Hope of America Awards (8th grade graduates), College Vocational Scholarships, and Soccer Team sponsorship.
Vocational Scholarships are awarded to graduating High School Seniors.
Kiwanis Sonora charters SCOUT BSA Female Troop of Tuolumne County Girls age 11-17 who are interested in learning about the troop should contact us (LINK to contact us) and we will connect you with the Scoutmaster.
Although Kiwanis is non-sectarian, we recognize the importance of spirituality in our lives.
Our Spiritual Aims Committee sponsors the Avalon Care Center Christmas Caroling event, our club’s annual Christmas Dinner, Meals on Wheels, and provides outreach to club members in need. The Spiritual Aims Committee leads each memberhip meeting with the Invocation.
KIWANIS SONORA is an active member of the community in serving adults of all ages as well as children. We always have our eyes open for those in need.
Community Connections actively supports a wide variety of projects: ATCAA Food Bank, Special Olympics, the Polar Plunge, the Health Fair, the Ron Hamilton Parkinson’s Foundation, Highway 108 Clean-up, Smoke Detectors for Seniors, the Tuolumne County Christmas Eve Dinner, Orient Express Race, Rail Town Polar Express, Come-to-Unity Dinner for first responders, and Adopt-A-Family for Christmas.
February’s POLAR PLUNGE draws only the hearty!
Food service is our specialty.
Ready to check us out? Come to a meeting or let us answer your questions (Link to contact us) Kiwanis of Sonora invites YOU to join us.
What We Do
This Back-to-School Shopping Spree is Our Signature Service Project serving children 5-18 years. Based on school recommendations, children in need go shopping for school clothes and supplies with Kiwanis members and volunteers. With only a little bit of guidance, the kids get to make their own choices.
In 2021 Kiwanis Club of Sonora is teaming up the SCOUTS BSA by chartering the first female unit in Tuolumne County. We are supporting their organization and the girls will be participating in our fund raisers and projects. If your daughters or granddaughters, 11-17 years of age, are interested in joining this unit of Scouts BSA, go here (LINK to contacts) and we’ll help you connect.
Kiwanis Sonora Service Committees
KIWANIS SONORA’S SUCCESS is the result of all members’ efforts via our Service Committees. We actively support children and families in need, special needs adults, and the community at large. You can choose to serve according to your interests on one or more committees or special projects.
KIWANIS SONORA believes reading is fundamental to a child’s success in life. Several times a year we bring books to kids enrolled in Head Start programs county-wide. We read to them in class and send their book with their name in it home for parents to do the same. Infants get books, too!
Young Children, Priority One also supports the Children’s Library, provides Adventist Maternity with preemie car seats, Foster Children Arts & Writing, and participates in the annual ICES Child Fair (Infant Child Enrichment Services).
YOUTH SERVICES (Kindergarten-High School)
Youth from grammar through high school need Kiwanis to sponsor activities important to them and to provide community volunteer role-modeling.
The Youth Services Committee oversees 4-H Achievement Projects, The Turkey Trot, ICES Children’s Fair, Duende Drama & Literature, the Children’s Christmas Party, Hope of America Awards (8th grade graduates), College Vocational Scholarships, and Soccer Team sponsorship.
Kiwanis Sonora charters SCOUT BSA Female Troop of Tuolumne County Girls age 11-17 who are interested in learning about the troop should contact us (LINK to contact us) and we will connect you with the Scoutmaster.
Although Kiwanis is non-sectarian, we recognize the importance of spirituality in our lives.
Our Spiritual Aims Committee sponsors the Avalon Care Center Christmas Caroling event, our club’s annual Christmas Dinner, Meals on Wheels, and provides outreach to club members in need. The Spiritual Aims Committee leads each memberhip meeting with the Invocation.
KIWANIS SONORA is an active member of the community in serving adults of all ages as well as children. We always have our eyes open for those in need.
Community Connections actively supports a wide variety of projects: ATCAA Food Bank, Special Olympics, the Polar Plunge, the Health Fair, the Ron Hamilton Parkinson’s Foundation, Highway 108 Clean-up, Smoke Detectors for Seniors, the Tuolumne County Christmas Eve Dinner, Orient Express Race, Rail Town Polar Express, Come-to-Unity Dinner for first responders, and Adopt-A-Family for Christmas.
Food service is our specialty.
Ready to check us out? Come to a meeting or let us answer your questions (Link to contact us) Kiwanis of Sonora invites YOU to join us.
There are many opportunities to serve.
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