Kiwanis Club of Sonora is an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. But we have one thing in common: we are all passionate about making Tuolumne County and the world a place in which children thrive. We serve children from 0-18 years in our local community, our country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives sponsored by Kiwanis International.
OurJune 19th Tri-Tip Lunch drive throughwill support Tuolumne County children! Order today!
Kiwanis Means Personal Fulfillment Through Service.
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100,000,000 every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
What is Kiwanis?
Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is all about.
Kiwanis Club of Sonora received its official charter in June 1967 as an affiliated club of Kiwanis International.
A SIGNATURE PROJECT OF KIWANIS SONORA IS CHILD SPREE supporting school aged children in need by teaming members and volunteers with kids in grammar through high school for school clothes and supplies shopping.
Kiwanis Sonora members and volunteers help families meet school needs.
Kiwanis Sonora sponsors the first SCOUTS BSA Girls Troop in Tuolumne County. Kiwanis and BSA Girls are a team!
4-H Achievement Projects, Duende Drama & Literature, Books for Head Start Programs and Adopt-A-Family for Christmas are other ways we help kids. See more about our projects supporting Tuolumne County children at (LINK).
Kiwanis Sonora also helps you park your car when you go to see Santa Claus at POLAR EXPRESS in Rail Town and at the October Health Fair at the Fair Grounds. We serve Tuolumne County in multiple ways. (LINK)
How do YOU fit in?
KIWANIS SONORA works hand-in-hand with Tuolumne County leaders. YOU CAN JOIN OUR CLUB and bepart of the solution invigorating our area’s “new TC normal.”
A service club can’t serve without the dedicated people who make it come to life. KIWANIS SONORA enlightens and brightens the lives of the adults and young people who participate.
Like you, KIWANIS SONORA members need personal contact to feel energized. 2020 was a tough year. Fund-raising opportunities were sparse; we’ve been hit hard financially and so have our projects. You are welcome to take a first step by donating to one of our projects.(LINK)
Past and present circumstances require new ways of accomplishing traditional objectives. MEMBERS ARE THE KEY!!! Your participation will bring HOPE to our children, and invigorate your life.
Long-time residents and new arrivals to The Motherlode are sought to join KIWANIS CLUB OF SONORA. Bring your energy and multifaceted talents to bear on our “new TC normal.” Help us help your kids by joining our Friday meetings (by zoom or in person) at My Garden Cafe, by participating in and supporting our fundraisers, serving on project committees, and bringing your special talents and new ideas to benefit your community.
Are you feeling the call to serve?Interested in learning more? See more about our projects (LINK), how members are meeting by ZOOM and IN-PERSON (LINK) and how you can join us (LINK).
Kiwanis of Sonora Brings HOPE to Tuolumne County!
Kiwanis Club of Sonora is an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. But we have one thing in common: we are all passionate about making Tuolumne County and the world a place in which children thrive. We serve children from 0-18 years in our local community, our country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives sponsored by Kiwanis International.
Our June 19th Tri-Tip Lunch drive through will support Tuolumne County children! Order today!
Kiwanis Means Personal Fulfillment Through Service.
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100,000,000 every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
What is Kiwanis?
Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is all about.
Kiwanis Club of Sonora received its official charter in June 1967 as an affiliated club of Kiwanis International.
A SIGNATURE PROJECT OF KIWANIS SONORA IS CHILD SPREE supporting school aged children in need by teaming members and volunteers with kids in grammar through high school for school clothes and supplies shopping.
Kiwanis Sonora sponsors the first SCOUTS BSA Girls Troop in Tuolumne County. Kiwanis and BSA Girls are a team!
4-H Achievement Projects, Duende Drama & Literature, Books for Head Start Programs and Adopt-A-Family for Christmas are other ways we help kids. See more about our projects supporting Tuolumne County children at (LINK).
Kiwanis Sonora also helps you park your car when you go to see Santa Claus at POLAR EXPRESS in Rail Town and at the October Health Fair at the Fair Grounds. We serve Tuolumne County in multiple ways. (LINK)
How do YOU fit in?
KIWANIS SONORA works hand-in-hand with Tuolumne County leaders. YOU CAN JOIN OUR CLUB and be part of the solution invigorating our area’s “new TC normal.”
A service club can’t serve without the dedicated people who make it come to life. KIWANIS SONORA enlightens and brightens the lives of the adults and young people who participate.
Like you, KIWANIS SONORA members need personal contact to feel energized. 2020 was a tough year. Fund-raising opportunities were sparse; we’ve been hit hard financially and so have our projects. You are welcome to take a first step by donating to one of our projects. (LINK)
Past and present circumstances require new ways of accomplishing traditional objectives. MEMBERS ARE THE KEY!!! Your participation will bring HOPE to our children, and invigorate your life.
Long-time residents and new arrivals to The Motherlode are sought to join KIWANIS CLUB OF SONORA. Bring your energy and multifaceted talents to bear on our “new TC normal.” Help us help your kids by joining our Friday meetings (by zoom or in person) at My Garden Cafe, by participating in and supporting our fundraisers, serving on project committees, and bringing your special talents and new ideas to benefit your community.
Are you feeling the call to serve? Interested in learning more? See more about our projects (LINK), how members are meeting by ZOOM and IN-PERSON (LINK) and how you can join us (LINK).
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